Gregory W. MacPherson
IT Security Expert, CCNA, CISSP, ITILv3

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Greg MacPherson is a cybersecurity expert. Greg has worked in the IT industry for thirty-eight years. After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Greg alternated between working as an employee and consulting with various companies. Greg has written software for mainframes and personal computers, written device drivers and GUIs, designed and implemented countless networks, hacked and secured numerous networks, and has started and run several successful small businesses.

Greg has been associated with, and has worked closely with, the computer security community since attending the first HOPE conference in the (now defunct) Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City in 1994.

Currently Greg works for a major telecommunications company evangelizing IT security, assessing and protecting their infrastructures against the "adversaries". Greg implements security solutions, manages security in the cloud, and identifies and resolves IT threats and vulnerabilities. Occasionally, Greg also conducts training sessions in the public and private sectors.

Greg has been the author of numerous articles on computer security and a frequent presenter on computer security related topics.

Contact Information:  
E-mail: greg [at] netpublishing [dot] com

Gregory W. MacPherson
The only known picture of Greg on the cover of the self-published (and much maligned) book The Happy Hacker, Meinel, Carolyn, American Eagle, 1999
R.I.P. Mark Ludwig

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